R. Kelly announces Christmas Album

Source R. Kelly The artist which recently released his newest album, Black Panties and collaborated with the erratic pop artist, Lady Gaga(for more information check out here), officially announced through a mini interview for Rap-Up, that he prepares a new Christmas album for his fans. I’m working on a Christmas album right now called the 12 Nights of Christmas and it’s gonna be a lot of lovemaking… He also said that he…


Avril may record Christmas CD

The word came up when it was pointed out to [tag]Avril Lavigne[/tag] that at this stage of her career when she has struck gold and established herself as an artist she can do whatever she wants, musically or otherwise. She did say that “It’s good, I’m relieved,” and “My first record came out and it was really big, and then I basically said, ‘I’m set, now I have a career for the rest of my…