Check out Sebastian’s Bach performance as Lady Gaga

Sebastian Bach Source It seems that Lady Gaga lied to her fans that she has to cancel some oh her concerts due to an ugly bronchitis, because she actually appeared on this Saturday’s Sing Your Face Off edition, performing Bad Romance. Oh no, sorry, it’s Sebastian Bach which really rocks the scene dressed up all like a very ugly and tall version of Lady Gaga singing better than his own songs. Sing your face off…


Lady Gaga rises against “Don’t ask, don’t tell”

Boy I’ve gotta tell you, Lady Gaga never ceases to amaze me. What is she up to this time ? Quite a good cause if you ask me: she’s sending a message out to people, speaking against the US Senate policy commonly known as “Don’t ask, don’t tell”; basically, this doesn’t allow gay, lesbian, or even bisexual people to serve in the military. Which is just absurd, as Gaga points out: [caption id=”attachment_6623″ align=”alignleft” width=”500″…