Hello, you handsome several. All of us to a man enjoys casting our inquisitive eyes over the various occurences and utterances that constitute the cirrhosis-riddled liver we like to label “the news”. Here to help us with our prying and quiet, tongue-clicking judgements this week is this idiot: WiL, from puppy-dog-eyed mopesters, Aiden! And now: THE NEWS.
Aiden: ‘Knives’
Album name: Knives Artist name: Aiden Genre: Emo Released: May 12 2009 Label: Victory ZME Rating: 2/10 Website: aiden.org Jesus Christ. Look, I’m not saying that Aiden are the worst band in the world. But you know that feeling you get when you see a 13 year old boy trying to be rebellious by wearing a lot of black and swearing in a really unconvincing manner, claiming that he’s angry at the whole entire world…