Fool's Gold
“Surprise Hotel” is one hell of an infectious track that will get you hooked from the first riff that sets in, keeping you captured from there on thanks to its incredibly diverse arrangements. Diverse could seem an improperly loose term in this case however, since Fool’s Gold has no less than 12 band members in its formation. Now, who here doesn’t love the big sound that comes from a big band? I for one am officially addicted to the bones to this.
Wait ’till you see the video though. A world of playful old men, hot bikini babes, lovely pets and passive dragons bigass lizards! Also, while you play the song, I’d suggest you read Aquarium Drunkard’s review of the band’s upcoming self-titled album set for release next week. (muzzleofthebees has the mp3 of Surprise Hotel of you’re interested)