Animal Collective
I can haz some furry new animal stufz? Yes, you can haz, but sadly all of us will have to wait until the beginning of ’09, before any of us can spin the new Animal Collective record, Merryweather Post. A while ago, some lucky chaps had the chance to take part in a label, invite-only listening part, where they sampled the new AC record. As expected it rocked and must of them hailed “Brothersport” as being one of the leading tracks.
Chances have it this very track got featured, just recently, in a french podcast, called Les Inrock Podcast. Naturally, it leaked all over the interwebs, right after it got out and now everybody is talking about it. The track itself is golden! Very upbeat, very fun, very jovial, packed with loads of funky samples, layers upon layers of sound, oh-oh-ohs and all those googly stuff that made us love Animal Collective. Check it out bellow – Merryweather Post is out January 29th via Domino Records. [via Gorilla vs Bear]
Animal Collective – ‘Brothersport’ [MP3] – removed due to label complaint
Those who wish to check out the track, head over to elbo.ws.