Flyleaf are a changed machine. Singer Lacey Sturm left the band to spend more time with her family. In came Kristen May, who I feel has added a new dimension to the band. Her voice seems to have more of an edge, more potency.
The new EP from the band is called ‘Who We Are’ which features a brand new song. The track is full of flamboyance and character, May sings with authority and really pushes her voice to the limits. The riff is pleasing and original, it also features a collaboration with POD front-man Sonny Sandoval.
The other songs on the EP are gracious, May sings them with a new balance. They are live, and May orchestrates her voice with a great range. All of the tracks are from the past, they have been written by Sturm. But May gives her own slant.
‘Broken Wings’ is the best of the lot, May’s voice is simply gorgeous, she knows how to use her voice as a tool of authority.
The new EP from Flyleaf is a great collection, if you want to delve into old songs sung by a fresh voice, then this EP is for you.