Eccentricity is a word that would characterize the [tag]White Stripes[/tag] or maybe it’s just a strong sense of marketing, whatever it is White Stripes have surprised us again, this time by announcing that they will release the forthcoming album “Icky Thump” full-length in USB drive format.
This is a very limited edition, the 512 USB 2.0 drives will come in 3,333 Jack depicting units and 3,333 Meg depicting units ( see picture for reference) . You can buy the USB’s in a pair for a discount (99$) or separate if your prefer one of the Whites better (57$). Both of the versions of the drives come pre-loaded with Icky Thump in Apple Lossless format and will be shipped to the buyers from June 19th, the day of the album’s release in the US.
You may buy the USB drives from here.