What’s that? You want new, interesting music to listen to, you say? Music that can be safely categorised as “indie”, yet doesn’t make you want to tear your eyeballs out with your kitchen scissors before feeding them to a horde of rabid dogs? Well – GASP – I might just be able to help you out, son.
Extend a warm welcome to Evening Magazine, a shiny new face in the dull, bored crowd of be-stubbled indie darlings. They’ve got a song they want you to hear. I’ve heard it, and I can promise that you won’t hate yourself for giving it a chance: it’s that good. But wait – you want more, don’t you? You want to know more about the band, perhaps in the form of a press release? I’m too good to you.
Founded by ex-BC Camplight (One Little Indian) guitarist David Disbrow
and recording engineer Kevin Francis, the 9 piece band’s work features bold,
anthemic arrangements and diverse instrumentation, making use of a
large collective membership, and capitalizing on young veteran
Disbrow’s voice, often a ghostly summons. The band uses horns to
massive effect on songs like “Everyone Can Hear You” (a quiet
gut-punch of a song), contrasting a plaintive, rootsy melody. Francis
agrees; “It’s no surprise that there’s a Bill Conti-type spirit on
that record. We grew up in Philadelphia.” A demo of their song,
“Eddie”, was featured last year on the vanguard Los Angeles radio
station KCRW. Their debut EP, ‘The Ride Across Lake Constance’,
was released online in January 2009.
Now that your interest is well and truly piqued, help yourself to the empeethree of 18 Wheels, below, and eagerly await my review of their full EP in the coming hours.