Jack White
It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of the upcoming Quantum Solace flick, who’s soundtrack is under more then capable hands with Jack White and Alicia Keys onboard. Now, it seems Jack and Coca-Cola have team up for the new Coke Zero commercial, that has Bond theme and vibe to it. The song in the background was obviously made by Jack White with Bond-like themed riffs and heavy beats. Oh, and guess what the predominant colour is? The ad can be viewed right bellow, but don’t be too eager to see it, something tells me you’ll get sick of it until Quantum Solace hit the theaters in November.
Oh, and if you’re curious how are things with Jack and Alicia lately, know that Jack recently issued a statement about “Another Way to Die”, his Bond duet with Alicia Keys:
“After a couple of years of wanting to collaborate with Alicia Keys, it took James Bond himself to finally make it happen. Alicia put some electric energy into her breath that cemented itself into the magnetic tape. Very inspiring to watch. It gave me a new voice, and I wasn’t myself anymore. I drummed for her voice and she mimicked the guitar tones, then we joined our voices and screamed and moaned about these characters in the film and their isolation, having no one to trust, not even themselves. Maybe we became them for a few minutes.” I hope Jack was Judi Dench.
And there’s more. “The Memphis Horns were there to help us out, along with some of Nashville’s finest. Might be the first analogue Bond theme in twenty years, I don’t know. We wanted to push soul into those tapes, and join the family of Barry, Bassey, Connery, and Craig.” To say nothing of Sheena Easton and Carly Simon!