The artist has been described numerous times as a rapper who sprinkles folk, country, blues and rock into his highly-stylized sound. Few people know that he is a Rockies fan. “I’m really pulling for those Rockies,” he says, getting nostalgic for his first love just days before Boston would make quick work of Colorado. “Besides, who wants to see a completely lopsided World Series anyway?”. But baseball is of lesser importance and what concerns us is that he has been around for over than years and is still a great artist.
In the the early ’90s, his musical palette broadened, veering every which way. He began to play with music styles and he says that he has just followed his creative impulses and they should be held responsable for his music.
“I never really think about it,” he says, the beginnings of a smile curling at the corners of his lips. “I’ve never approached it like, ‘This one is for the radio, and this one is for the club.'” But after “Secret House” buried his husky vocals amidst a sea of synths and a crunchy mix of guitar and drums, he found himself once again drawn to his first musical passion: hip-hop.
He is working on Situation (out today) when the itch to rap his “ass off” took over. “We weren’t sampling the biggest things,” Murphy recalls, as he settles in beside Terfry. “Henry Mancini, the Ventures, J.J. Johnson, but the whole record was conceived that way.”. “Someone was saying to me that this is the most orthodox hip-hop record I’ve done in a really long time, but you can’t really compare this to Soulja Boy,” says Terfry, laughing. “It kind of sounds like an early ’90s hip-hop record to me and I’m pretty into that; I’ve got to admit it.”. It does sound so and it is a very good release which is probably going to boost his confidence and probably in the near future he is going to return with even more spectacular work.