The less bearded half of the funktastic duo Dan Le Sac and Scroobius Pip just recently released a smashing remix for Sage Francis’ “Three Sheets to the Wind”. Heavy beats, a wobbly bass line on top of Sage’s infectious lyrics makes this a great party starter, as well as another quality addition to the slew of dubstep remixes catching heat lately. Stream and download from the player below (hit the arrow button on the far right side of the player to download).
Many thanks to SKOA for the mp3 and XYZ Mag for the photo.
Tibi is the co-founder and current editor in chief of ZME Music. He's had a passion for music since when he can remember, but since he lacks the necessary skills to make music, he decided to simply mix in another passion of his: writing.
Thanks to the marvels of the Internet, anyone can voice out and, in time, Tibi has helped a lot of artists and made a lot of friends by following his double passion for writing and music.