The year of 2008, will definitely go down in history as a time of band reunions. Since the beginning of the year countless broken up bands have announced their reunion and in most cases a grand tour or fabouls LP to go with it. [tag]Van Halen[/tag], [tag]Led Zeppelin[/tag], [tag]The Police[/tag], [tag]Rage Against The Machine[/tag] are just a few big names reformed under a lineup or another. Now ending the series of shocking comebacks is the famous Irish alt super group My Bloody Valentine, ending years of rumors and speculations regarding them getting back together.
The big news broke up earlier today when The Daily Swarm reveals some details regarding a interview with Kevin Shields, set to air on a forthcoming episode of Vice’s vbs.tv program “Soft Focus,” in which the frontman confirms the reunion and talks about new album. Here’s a short excerpt from the 30 minute Kevin Shields interview, conducted by TV host Ian Svenonious, that is set to air on Monday, November 12.
We were making a record in the 90s, around when the band broke up in 1995…and I continued with Belinda. We kinda made we made most of an album….It’s going to be this ‘96/‘97 record half-finished record finished, and then a compilation of stuff we did before that in 1993–94, and a little bit of new stuff.
I pretty much know what the one that’s going to come out this year is going to sound like because its already pretty much 3/4’s done already…it sounds like what we sounded like – different but not radically different. People will go, “Yeah, it sounds like My Bloody Valentine.”
Although Shields confirms that the upcoming, untitled MBV new album, will come out some time this years, a precise date is yet to be given. Oh and as a further sign of their reforming, the band recently activated mybloodyvalentine.co.uk and Shields’ manager confirmed the the site is being built by Debbie Goodge, the band’s bass player. As for the rumors, floating about in spring, that the band is set to play the 2008 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival there’s been no word, neither infirmation or confirmation.