Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor has revealed he is really interested in collaborating with Justin Bieber; well, I don’t really know what to say, but I guess that’s straying a little from your metal roots, isn’t it?
It all started with this mash-up video, in which some guy put Slipknot’s ‘Psychosocial’ together with Justin Bieber’s hit single ‘Baby’ – thus, Psychosocial Baby was born. The video went viral, hitting over 12 million views, which apparently lit the light bulb above Corey’s head.
“I know Justin wasn’t responsible for it, but I just thought it was so cool. Everybody thought I’d be pissed about it, but I was blown away… I give him respect. He’s a very talented kid and he goes above and beyond for his fans. I was in Baltimore on my book tour and Justin was nearby in Washington, DC. I tried to get him down to my reading because I wanted to try to do an acoustic version of Psychosocial Baby together. But he was actually visiting children’s hospitals. You can’t say anything bad about a guy who’s visiting children’s hospitals.”
Slipknot will be headlining the Download festival in 2013, where they will be joining a huge line-up, including Rammstein and Iron Maiden as well as Queens Of The Stone Age, Alice In Chains and 30 Seconds To Mars; more blabla by Corey Taylor:
“We are extremely honoured to have been asked once again to headline the Download Festival. This most definitely will be an experience not to be missed. Every time we’ve played Download we have created memories.”
2010s metal… there you have it.