Metallica, trying to be badasss
iTunes ‘banned’ in China after protest album stunt
Ok, this is pretty breaking news. Apparently Apple’s iTunes has been blocked by “the great firewall of China” (awesome name btw), as a reaction to a pro-tibetan album that’s been getting really popular there. To be more exact The Art of Peace Foundation’s Songs for Tibet compilation, featuring tracks by Alanis Morissette, Sting, Moby and 17 more artists. The album was released as a download on the iTunes Store on August 5 – three days…
Download: Department of Eagles – ‘No One Does It Like You’
We’ve been hearing a lot from Daniel Rossen this past year, with new music, TV & radio appearances with his main band Grizzly Bear, and now with his side project Department of Eagles, a folktronica duo, that he founded with his friend Fred Nicolaus. You can blame Grizzly Bear’s erratic performances all over the country and countless other musical collaboration for keeping Daniel away from DoE, but now he and Fred are back on the…
Bradford Cox straightens things out on the ‘leak’ issue
We’ve had a real indie soap-opera this weekend, with the whole Deerhunter/Atlas Sound records leakage. The whole event was categorized like a big ol’ publicity stunt by the media, fans and even labels, but Bradford (Atlas Sound) gives indications that that’s certainly not the case. Furthermore he posted a really lengthy apology down at his blog, where he explained the whole thing, said sorry to all the people that felt in any way offended by…
New Bloc Party album out in two days + new ‘Trojan Horse’ MP3
I don’t know what’s with bands these days releasing albums straight out of the blue, just around the time they have a boner. Maybe it’s a trend or something, frankly I don’t really care, and to be honest I like a good surprise now and then. A new Bloc Party album certainly makes a good one. The band just announced earlier today the release date and name of their new LP, that’s been in the…
Hey, you with the camera, stop filming the Kings of Leon!
Kings of Leon are really a great band live. They have that particular energy in their live sets, that adds a further dimension to the studio tracks, and make up a total different experience. It’s often said that good, genuine live performances are the mark of a excellent band, and I agree. Problem is, southerners Followill quartet are really pissed off on bootleggers who record their shows. Apparently, the band would really like to play…
New Oasis video: ‘The Shock of the Lightning’
I wouldn’t go as far as saying the new Oasis album will be of biblical proportions, but I definitely believe it’s gonna rock and prove to be a hell of comeback, after two, let’s say, disappointing albums. After the strikingly good Falling Down (sorry, crew, but you’ve put out some crap lately), the band’s now released “The Shock of the Lightning,” a song even better then the previous, reminiscing the golden age of “Definitely Maybe,”…
RIAA closes down Muxtape, for now…
Today, users of the popular virtual-mixtape compiler, Muxtape, were greeted with a not so fitting surprise. “Muxtape will be unavailable for a brief period while we sort out a problem with the RIAA.” Over at the Muxtape Tumblr, however, a post stated, “No artists or labels have complained. The site is not closed indefinitely. Stay tuned.” The website’s future is, thus, clearly unclear, moreover clouded. However I have faith the service will renew its fine…
ZME Music gets a re-ddddddddesign!
We’ve been bragging about a new design for the blog for a looooong, long time, but we’ve never really got around doing it. I guess money time was really a problem. Anyway, we got around finally do it, and we’re really pleased about it. We’re now thinking about adding some extra features, and here’s where you come in. If someone has any suggestions that can possibly lead to the improvement of ZME Music, then please…
New My Morning Jacket Video: ‘Touch Me I’m Going to Scream Pt. 2’
Finally, My Morning Jacket, or whoever’s handling their promotion, thought about making a video for my favorite track off Evil Urges, the harmonic epic “Touch Me I’m Going to Scream Pt. 2.” The video features a googly-eyed critter on a quest to free some fireflies and reunite them with some werido orchids, going through jungles, infected caves in the process. Nothing beats this little fellow. Anyway, the video’s beautifully animated and directed by The Mixtape…