Wednesday Smile Jerker: Phil Spector’s mug shot

When I first layed my eyes upon this official polici mug shot of what was once one of the most saught after producers in the world, it was pretty much impossible not to exclaim in my mind – “What a cunt!” Apparently, he was denied access to his vast collection of wigs during the mug shot photo shoot, revealing his Golum shaped cranium in all its splendor. Spector has just been recently been encarcerated to…


The Raveonettes release new album demos via Twitter!

Did I happen to mention how much I love Twitter? I’m sure I have, nonetheless it never hurts reminding people how remarkable this social media giant is. Everybody’s using it. Now, it’s really easy for people to feel more connected, and a lot of boundaries between people have been eliminated, whether they were of physical or social nature. One of my favorite duos, surf rock outfit The Raveonettes have been sturdy supporters and compuslive users…


Delta Spirit @ La Blogotheque: ‘People Turn Around’

I’m really a big fan of Vincent Moon and his La Blogotheque sessions. The spontaniety of the show, how you can watch your favorite indie band playing in the street, even with ‘house hold’ instruments, all from the confort of your own home is amazing for me. However, I nearly can’t believe it how a big of fool I’ve been for missing out Delta Spirit’s Blogotheque session, where the San Diego soulful musicians just killed…


Download: Oasis – ‘(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady’ (Devendra Banhart remix)

It’s curious how Devendra Banhart went around mixing Oasis, if you consider the later is a band that’s more into dance strings, while Banhart’s music is as weird and inaccessible per he is talented. Nevertheless, Banhart was given the opportunity to remix any Oasis track of his choosing from the 2008 LP “Dig Out Your Soul,” with a permit from the band itself, in the end preferring to give a go to the chilly, down…


ZME Contest: records, records, records!

We haven’t held a contest in a very, very long time, and yes, we know you’re probably feeling a bit neglected. That’s why, dear ZME reader, we’ve decided to organize this little competition for you – the first of many, as part of a regular series of contests we’ll be holding in the future. This particular give away if a of a broader significance, however. This month ZME Music turns two years old and it’s…


A New Dawn in Music Promotion

A €15 entrance fee reminds me of the extortionate charge you’d pay to watch your mate’s brother bash out his unique brand of death metal improv in the local badly lit, badly attended, ‘rock’ venue (and in the time it took me to say that, you would have already spent it again at the bar). But lo and behold, it is now the new recession-friendly ticket price for a series of European dates with some…


New MGMT video: ‘Kids’ (the official, really wacky video)

“Kids, don’t do drugs” might serve as a good motto for MGMT’s latest video for their incredible single “Kids.” The video’s story follows around a toddler (most likely on acid. lol) who seems to see monsters everywhere he walks around, even in people. Guess there’s a dormant monster within every of us, even in your postman! The mom was totally annoying though, compelling me to smack my notebook’s display multiple times out of disgust for…


Download: Fever Ray – ‘Triangle Walks’ (Ben Hoo remix)

Karin Andersson’s debut self-titled record, released under her Fever Ray moniker, is one of the loveliest of the year, packed with a vibe of serenity and bliss. It’s incredible how Karin channeled her creativity and talent on the album, proving she will never really be able to stay away from music. Let’s just hope she doesn’t forget about her other creative outlet, as part of The Knife, anytime too soon. Her third single from her…


New Pearl Jam video: ‘Get Some’ (live @ Conan O’Brien’s The Tonight Show)

Yesterday aired the first episode of CBS’ The Tonight Show with new found host Conan O’Brien at its helm, picking up after Jay Leno. The whole show was marvelously entertaining, like any premiere should be. Lets not talk TV for now, shall we, let’s talk music! Conan’s first musical guests for last night’s airing were none other than grunge icons Pearl Jam, who played a really solid performance of “Get Some,” a brand new song…