Bleurgh. Apologies for that.
There is good news to share. And here it is: perennial ZME favourite, talented indie songstress and rather lovely person to boot, Amber Rubarth had a hand in scoring the new Joan Rivers biopic, Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work, which opens in US theatres on Friday.
Of course, in some ways, this isn’t good news. One way it’s bad is because I’ll never see this film, a result of me finding Joan Rivers about as funny as a dead, skinned kitten covered in a tightly-pulled rubber glove. And also that’s what she looks like.
But mostly it’s good news, because it means music from Amber Rubarth (collaborating with a Mr. Paul Brill), and that’s always a welcome joy. And speaking of Ms. Rubarth, expect a deluge of coverage of her recent London gig very, very soon. Here’s a brief, but tantalising, teaser of my review: “The gig was excellent because…”
Trailer for the Rivers movie is below the cut.