Probably there are not many people who can say that they did not watch at least a music video on youtube. There are people who do not buy albums they like because they can just listen to the tracks on youtube and there is no problem. A group of music publishing companies said Monday it is joining a copyright infringement lawsuit against Google Inc.’s video-sharing site YouTube.
So they are not happy with it for sure. They have the right to be upset but probably a deal would be better than a lawsuit which is bound to last and the fans are not going to like them very much. Just like when Ulrich and the band started the war with napster. They were right but the fans did not aprove. Hope you know the band is Metallica.
The lawsuit also includes as plaintiffs The Football Association Premier League and Viacom Inc., a media company that owns MTV, Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central. The plaintiffs say YouTube is breaking the law by hosting video clips that they hold the copyrights to. However, YouTube says it’s complying with the law by immediately taking down any clips found to be violating copyrights after receiving notification.
David Israelite, chief executive of the NMPA, said in a statement that the music publishers’ group was “very concerned about YouTube’s approach to copyright.” The copyright is hard to define and easy to interpretate.