Well I know most of you could not possibly care less about this, but I’m a long standing Man United fan, so I’ll beg your forgiveness on this one.
Back when defender Gary Neville was the big gun there, rock was all that was played in the locker room. But following his retirement and the infusion of new players, rap and R&B took over – mostly supported by Patrice Evra. Thankfully though, goalkeeper David De Gea has stepped in to defend the honor of the heavy sound.
He successfully insisted that at least some Slayer and Napalm Death tracks be added on the playlist.
“David’s asked Patrice if he’ll change the music – he’s more thrash metal than R&B. He’s asked to have tracks by Slayer and Napalm Death added to the dressing room playlist,” The Sun wrote.
He also described the music of his girlfriend (Edurne García, a pop star) as ‘shit’. You gotta love the man.