As if the name wasn't terrible enough...

As if the name wasn't terrible enough...
I’m not one who takes metal too serious, but I think there’s an acceptable limit of how much piss a band can take when playing. After you cross that line the fun kinda fades away and leaves room for the lamentable, and what you’re left with is a bunch of masked clowns.
I don’t mean to bash Lordi – heck, frankly, I don’t give a rat’s arse about them, but when I saw the cover art for their upcoming new album, “Babez for Breakfast”, I immediately convulsed into laughter, which rapidly deflected into disgust. These guys are gonna sell a heck load of records. Yeah…
In other related metal hipster rubbish related news, Lordi is set release an iPhone game titled “Lordi The Game” on August 9, the day before the album’s first single, “This Is Heavy Metal”, is scheduled to arrive in the U.S. In the game you play as Mr. Lordi, who has to drive the undead back to the underworld in a six level ax battle tot the beat of the band’s metal.
Mr. Lordi, who lent his voice to the game, commented: “The entire band is happy to be able to step into the game world. The nicest thing in this game is that the player is able to step into Mr. Lordi’s imaginary boots and swing the ax, which I swing on stage. This is LORDI’s life, a continuous battle from day to day.”
Give me a fucking break. He went on to add, “We are happy that we are able to serve our fans on this sector too.”
Am I really the only one who things this whole thing is preposterous?