Paul Stanley, guitarist and lead vocalist, for one of the ’80 rock icon bands [tag]Kiss[/tag], had some serious heart issues during a sound check, which required immediate medical treatment, this Friday 27 July.
As Paul was absent the rest of the band (Gene Simmons, Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer) was forced to complete the gig, at Soboba Casino, about 90 miles east of Los Angeles, as a trio. This is actually the first time in the band’s history they’ve performed as anything but a quartet.
The 55 year old singer, released a statement on his website, shedding some light on the matter:
“During sound check yesterday, my heart spontaneously jumped to 190 plus beats per minute where it stayed for over an hour necessitating paramedics to start an IV and give me a shot to momentarily stop my heart and get it into a normal pattern “