Of course the song is in German, and according to my limited knowledge of German language, Die Stürme Rufen Dich, should mean something like: The Storms Are Calling For You, (or something like that).
I’ve seen these guys in a concert last Summer, until then I’ve never heard of them, and they actually rocked my soul, so I am delighted to present this new song for you and to actually recommend for you “sensitive” years.
They recently unveiled the album cover and the tracklist for their latest album, Veto:
01. Godiva
02. Land Of The Upright Ones
03. Die Sturme Rufen Dich
04. Fallen
05. Hunters Will Be Hunted
06. You Will Be Godless
07. Valhalla
08. Antagonized
09. Like Gods Among Mortals
10. 53 Nations
11. Beyond Redemption
The album is going to be out in April this year. I guess that April 2013 is going to be a busy day for the rock industry. Enjoy the song below!