Of Montreal releases new sexy, violent video: “Sails, Hermaphroditic”

Of Montreal are freaking awesome sometimes – and yep, you got it, this is one of those sometimes. The new video, Sails, Hermaphroditic was directed by main man Kevin Barns wife – Nina, and Kevin describes it just right: “Two rival gangs, the Sleep Rats and the Preppy Scuz, meet in a bull pasture in the deep south to compete in a football game. The game quickly devolves into a violent bloody rumble. Through out…


Meat Loaf wrecks ‘America the Beautiful’ at Romney Event

I’m not really up to date with who backs who in the US presidential campaign, though Jay-Z will probably go for Obama, seeing as he takes parenting advice from the president, but I found out Meat Loaf is a hard core Republican. Ok, it’s everybody’s choice, do whatever you want (yuck, politics!), but what happened at Romney’s campaign was just hilarious. Meatloaf started singing America The Beautiful, but the song itself wasn’t cool enough, so…


10 Online Tools That Do-It-Yourself Musicians Must Know

All things can now be seen easily on the Internet. Nowadays all of us have the right to access internet, so as the online tools that help to finish tasks easily. The internet can also be used to extend your reach to your target audience and improve your band’s popularity. Since there are many bands that can be seen on the Internet, the question now is how to effectively promote your band? What online tools should I need…


Video scandalizes Lady Gaga and her fans: Die Antwoord-Fatty Boom Boom

Source. Die Antwoord – Fatty Boom Boom It’s about time something like this happened. She really thinks that she can wear something like a dress made entirely of meat, and then show off with her new little doggy and act like a really peaceful and caring person. I don’t think that the guys from the rap/rave band Die Antwoord  had that in mind when created the video for their song: Fatty Boom…


Deap Vally’s new video for ‘End of the World’

Source. Deap Vally Deap Vally is a rock and roll, alternative, garage rock band formed by Lindsey Troy and Julie Edwards in 2011. Yeah, this chicks really know how to rock with only two instruments ( guitar and drums) and their trashy appearance makes me wanna compare them with Courtney Love, or some really hot groupies from the late 70’s-early 80’s, with only one completion: they really know how to sing….


New Pink video turns a mother speechless

Source. Pink – Try On October 10th, Pink released her new video for the song  “Try”, which is the second single from the 6th Pink album “The Truth About Love”. Directed by Floria Sigismondi, the video represents a “colorful” choreography between Pink and a dancer/actor something, which represents a couple and all the things that they are getting through (from my opinion of course). This dance represents love, fight, depression, crying,…


Rolling Stones to release first single in 7 years

The Rolling Stones are back, people! Their new single, called “Doom and Gloom” will be released today, Thursday, receiving its first airplay on BBC Radio 2 at 8.15 pm GMT and will then be made available to download. The song is one of the two tracks they’ve recorded with producer Don Was. The track will be available on the band’s latest greatest hits compilation, “GRRR”, along with a song titled “One More Shot”. Although there’s…


Jack White “is shaking” in his new video

Source. Jack White and Jack White Jack White finally decided to release a new video, this time for a song which is actually a Little Willie John’s  cover. For those out there which never heard about LWJ , i just cannot remind him and simply move on without saying that he was a famous American R&B singer from the late 50’s which was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of…


Adele’s new Bond theme, Skyfall finally here

Adele – Skyfall. Source With Adele’s jazzy, soul-filled voice, we already knew that Skyfall, the song theme for the new James Bond movie couldn’t really be bad. My guess was that it was going to be really good. So, is it? The British singer teamed up once again with Paul Epworth admitted she was a little stressed about the “instant pressure and spotlight [that comes with] a Bond song.” However, it’s…