So I was giving a cursory glance over the latest news on Rolling Stone’s website and I came across yet another example of why everyone hates the RIAA over these lawsuits. Now, I could use this space to simply shit all over the rather fascist policies of this organization but that’s been done and probably better than I could this morning. Anyhow, when I read the story, two things stood out and more than likely…
New Them Crooked Vultures video live in Amsterdam!
We were all really psyched about the whole Them Crooked Vultures deal, how it was more than just a rumor, how it’s developing into more than just a super-group – into a movement. I’m loving it! Sadly, for their debut performance at Chicago’s Metro we couldn’t find any footage what so ever. All we could do was to wait for the day the band was going to play again, while hopefully some die hard fan…
Let’s have a chat with Andy and Ian – Pocketbooks interview!
Pocketbooks is lately, probably the most appreciated British indie pop band, if we were to consider the different reviews and critical opinions it has received from various music websites and magazines (you’ll read about it in the interview). They come from London, they have released a 7″, an EP, a single and have recently released their debut album – “Flight Paths”. The album is available HERE for purchase! If you want to read about great…
I’m confused, Radiohead
Boy, am I baffled, though. I’ve spent the last couple of days scorching in the sun while sipping mojitos on my recent, way too short vacation, thinking “Hey, it’s mid-season. Nothing interesting never really happens this time of year. The internet can do just as fine without me.” Was I surprised to find out Radiohead is the hot trending topic everywhere again, especially since Thom Yorke stated the band won’t be releasing a new album…
Interview with tada tátà !
tada tátà is a special musical project from Sweden, more exactly from Umeå/Falun. They represent a set of electro pop and folk, with songs mostly played on guitars and Ukulele. Listen to it and you’ll notice that it’s like music for toys. I know, it sounds a bit childish and blurry – it’s probably just their toy piano and glockenspiel toying with my mind. They sound, in fact, just great and their lyrics and use…
Dead By Sunrise: “Crawl Back In”
The other day, I was introduced – via the excellent Kieron Gillen – to a short-lived internet boycott of the Fox Corporation’s various outlets in response to Fox News’ distortion of reality amid the American health service hoopla. All this amounted to for me was a much-needed deletion of my Myspace account, which was useless and rubbish in equal measures. Which actually applies to Myspace as a whole: whatever appeal it held as a social…
Nick Cave – The Death of Bunny Munro
After all of Nick Cave’s success performing with The Bad Seeds, creating spellbinding soundtracks with Warren Ellis and composing screenplays, the Australian cult icon has now turned to the written word, and is being tipped to deliver yet another artistic triumph. Cave’s new novel, ‘The Death of Bunny Munro’, is a menacingly graphic account of a depraved and sex-crazed door-to-door salesman, who also happens to reside in the author’s current home of Brighton, England. Fans…
Nickelback is a talented band, trust me
Even as I include the following qualification to this piece, it’ll still probably be misinterpreted. Nickelback is a terrible band, OK. I get it. They’re the band everyone points to when discussing all that’s wrong with modern music, specifically rock. Yes, Chad sounds like the bastard child of a rather violent hate-fuck orgy including Eddie Vedder, Scott Weiland and Scott Stapp. Yes, none of the band members are particularly talented musicians, save former drummer Ryan…
We’ll Make It Right Interview !
This indie pop/experimental band comes from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. They’re the newest band you probably know and have already released an album, that is available at the following websites for purchase:,, and Because we wanted to get to know them a little better, we had a talk with one of the members of the band, Dean. Read the interview with Dean Tippet and find out exactly what the Dutch have to…
Guitar God Les Paul ascends to a better realm
Yesterday was a sad, sad day for music. Electric guitar virtuoso and inventor Les Paul died, at the epic age of 94. It was him who you can call the father of the solid body electric guitar, as well as multitrack recording. His blazing riffs were absolutely the bomb and he performed with some of the biggest stars ever, also produced a lot of hits, but it was the inventions that made him the revered…