New Music Monday: 28 September

“Black Gives Way to Blue,” Alice in Chains’ first record in 14 years, as well as the first following Layne Staley’s tragic death is out this week, making a lot of waves. Surprisingly or not, the record sounds very much like the Alice most of us came to know and love in the early ’90s, contrary to most die hard fans’ lamentations. It’s a hard rock album, although you’ll find quite a reasonable amount of…


POLARITY #3: “You Can Never Quarantine the Past”… ‘Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain’ Ranked

Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this? Am I doing this to provoke hatred from the legions of indie-rock loving blogcrawlers? Absolutely not; these are my opinions. Am I doing this to capitalize on the Pavement craze that’s sweeping the nation in light of a particular recent news item? You’re damn right. We want your web traffic. Allow me to present this more traditionally. American rock music has been splintered and spliced…


New Foo Fighters song: ‘Wheels’ (original studio version)

The Foos’ ‘long break’ is by any means far from over, especially with Dave’s involvement with Them Crooked Vultures in the studio and on tour. As the hiatus rages on, though, there’s no reason for the band not to market their brand and earn a few more hard earned dollars for their lengthy career by releasing a greatest hits record, suggestively titled “Greatest Hits” (who came up with that name?). The 16 track long album…


Contest: T-shirts giveaway!

We’ve got a really sweet contest up this week, where we have got 5 awesome t-shirts to give away to 5 awesome ZME readers, sponsored by ROCKWORLDEAST, a band merch online store (check out their massive inventory of T-shirts and band merch).  We’ve decided to make the contest really easy to enter, so just leave a comment bellow with the T-shirt style you’d prefer from the list bellow and you’re done. Styles #1 and #2…


Metal’s not dead: Tim Schafer’s Brutal Legend

I used to be a huge gaming aficionado, but during these past few years something happened that dramatically diminished my interest for video games, something that to this day I’ve yet to figure out what it was. Who knows, maybe I grew up, although highly unlikely – trust me. I barely play a few times a year now, and even then a few hours with buds or at dorm LAN parties. However, this latest installment…


The New Moon Soundtrack is an indie extravaganza!

There’s been a lot of hype recently around the teen-vampire-love-story-preposterous-concept-flick New Moon, mainly the soundtrack to keep things relevant here on ZME. A few days ago, I wrote about me being surprised to see Grizzly Bear officially confirmed on the sound score for the movie, after subsequently Thom Yorke, Death Cab for Cutie, Bon Iver and The Killers were also announced, and how things we’re clearly shaping up towards an all indie cast. Today, we’ve…


New Music Monday: September 21

Pearl Jam’s highly anticipated ninth studio release, “Backspacer,” is finally officially out this week, and it’s just pure goodness, folks! Don’t believe me? Check out Al’s review for a glimpse. Islands’ new record “Vapours”, their 3rd, still follows the winning formula of the band’s previous albums, but this time first time listeners might find themselves mesmerized. Beware! Last week, I told you all about my new favorite band, Girls. Well, this week their debut album,…


POLARITY #2: You Don’t Stand a Chance…”Milo Goes To College” Ranked

Happy Friday, ZME readers. We know there are a ton of music websites you could be choosing to burn your time on while you should be entering data, emailing clients, or for the funemployed of you, watching some high quality porn. So, we appreciate that you’ve chosen us. Today, I’d like to present my breakdown of the Descendent’s earth-shattering 1982 debut LP, Milo Goes to College. I can’t overstate the importance of this album in…


Download: Julian Casablancas – ’11th Dimension’

Check out the first release from The Strokes frontman Julian Casablancas upcoming solo album ‘Phrazes For The Young’. The track, titled ’11th Dimension’, sees Casablancas push his musical style forward and somewhat away from what you would expect from The Strokes. Rather than the simplistic style of vocals, lead guitar, bass and drums which encompassed The Strokes, Casablancas has opted for a much deeper and more produced track, a sound which will most likely be…


Interview with Rou Reynolds of Enter Shikari

Bellow you can read a very insightful Q&A with Rou Reynolds, the lead vocalist/keyboard player of the post-punk/hardcore band Enter Shikari, a band that’s only at is second album, but tah has already began to gather a cult-like following in the UK. Info about the new Enter Shikari album, titled “Common Dreads” (out now in the UK, 2010 in the US), as well as bits from Rou’s personal and professional life can be found bellow….