Al Byrne’s Radio Bile

When did music television die, exactly? I’ll tell you when – it was when we all gave up on it, and with a collective mouseclick accepted Youtube and Myspace as our appointed saviours. But! There’s a more pressing question on my mind: is there a single post-Myspace moment where we can say music television went beyond an existence of pallid, pathetic obsolescence, and into fully-fledged, crap-slinging horribleness? When I say “music television”, I don’t mean…


The Week in Music: #41

If you’re a Skillet fan, you should definitely check out this contest we’ve organized. Grizzly Bear will release a special edition of Veckatimest. The latest Baroness record got reviewed by us for a 9/10! The 100 best live albums of all time ranked by Amazon. The Killers have a new song up and streaming as part of their contribution to the New Moon soundtrack. You don’t really feel like going out this weekend, you can…


Flaming Lips set to record a Dark Side of the Moon cover album

Last night, The Flaming Lips played LA’s Ricardo Montalbán Theater as part of a more intimate set, free of the band’s usual live show props (no explosions, fake blood or anything that could be considered outrageous, not for The Flaming Lips at least). There, the band opened up the crowd with a set packed with new songs off the new album, “Embryonic” – a really hate it or love it release. Besides the impeccable performance,…


Impending Doom: Tom Waits Prepares Live Album.

Hello. Have you been having a good day? Oh, I’m sorry – didn’t she warn you? Oh dear. Well, I’m sure they make a cream for that. Oh, they don’t? I see. Well, if anything is going to cheer you up, it’s the paragraphs which directly follow this one. Tom Waits’ fancy new website tells us that Mr Waits is going to release a two-disc live album, taken from his 2008 Glitter & Doom Tour….


New Music Monday: 12 October

Looks like it’s that time of the year when various holiday albums and compilations start to pop-out, much to the contempt of last minute present shoppers, retailers and record labels. This week alone, we’ve got new Christmas albums from Bob Dylan, David Archuleta and Connie Talbot coming out. One of the most interesting releases of the week is Baroness’ highly anticipated sophomore release “Blue Record.” The band’s debut, “Red Album,” was a stunning progressive metal…


Hot Streaming: Thom Yorke, Grizzly Bear, Lykke Li, Bon Iver, St. Vincent from the New Moon soundtrack

We’ve raved a lot over what an awesome compilation the soundtrack for the upcoming teen-vampire-in-love New Moon flick will make. Today, however, we can finally sample the O.S.T. and settle once and far all if the hype is justified or not. The soundtrack itself is yet to have been released, but, like it usually happens, it got leaked all over the internet recently and Youtube is packed with streams. I’ve added bellow some streams that…


Al Byrne’s Radio Bile

Soft rock really gets something of a raw deal these days. Mention in a conversation that you like soft rock (in an unironic way, rather than a “sings along to Journey’s ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ after a couple of drinks at a wedding” way… c’mon, keep up) and you may as well have told that person that you’re partial to licking their grandmother – you’re now a social pariah, and you’d best get used to it….


The Week in Music: #40

Air just released this week “Love 2”, one of the duo’s best albums yet. Bummer. Tickets to this year’s Glastonbury Festival got sold out in less than 24 hours when they were put on sale this week. Check out this video of Thom Yorke and his live super-group band premiering some new songs at their LA intimate set. If you had any doubts about the show, know it rocked! The Backstreet Boys caught swine flu?…


Maybe Mars brings top Chinese indie bands to the US this Fall

I just got word from an old friend who currently lives in Beijing about this really cool tour about to come through the US. Five of the most highly regarded indie and underground acts from the Chinese city are coming through for a set of US dates. They include P.K. 14, Carsick Cars, Xiao He, White, and Snapline. Information about this tour, as well as tour dates and links to all of the bands and…


New Radiohead album in 2010 [?]

I was confused, but now I’m really messed up. A few months ago, Thom told The Beliver Mag in an interview, that “none of us want to go into that creative hoo-ha of a long-play record again. Not straight off.  I mean, it’s just become a real drag. It worked with In Rainbows because we had a real fixed idea about where we were going. But we’ve all said that we can’t possibly dive into…