Spending too much time thinking about anything in particular is dangerous. So dangerous, it should quite possibly be illegal. Giving any amount of extended thought to anything rarely leads to a good outcome. Imagine if Hitler hadn’t been allowed enough “thought-space” to write Mein Kampf – wouldn’t that be wonderful? Hitler’s awful, demented thought process, brutally cut off before it could develop into an insane quest for Lebensraum, all because of some ridiculously ill-formed notion…
The Week in Music: #43
Al is back with another fabulous entry to his weekly Radio Bile column. This time he tackles the subject of bad music…which we sometimes buy. U2’s “Spiderman Musical” has been delayed. The new Strokes album is packed with disagreement. Check out the 50 best album covers of the 2000s compiled by Gigwise. Andrew Lloyd Webber has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Pop quiz with The Gossip’s Beth Ditto. I’ve missed CMJ again this year, a…
POLARITY #4: “Special Favors come in 31 Flavors”… The ‘Violent Femmes’ Ranked
Are you ready to feel like a piece of shit? Gordon Gano was 19 when the Violent Femmes recorded their self-titled debut album. True story: the trio borrowed $10,000 from bassist Brian Ritchie’s old man and ground out one of the great American rock albums of the 1980’s, and certainly one of the most unmistakable. Gano’s age shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering how (sometimes disturbingly) well Violent Femmes encapsulates the iconic rage and frustration…
Gonna Be Your Man In (Uniform) Motion
Anytime I receive a press release that labels a band “an extremely exciting arts collective [and] a perpetual multimedia art installation”, a tiny emergency klaxon in my brain – wedged somewhere between the hippocampus and the primary auditory cortex, so the sound is both unbearably loud and very memorable – goes off. The klaxon reminds me to regard the offending group with the kind of scorn you reserve for only the most pretentious of ponces,…
Stone Temple Pilots set to release a new album and tour in 2010
They’ve had their fair share of difficulties, to say the least that is, but according to the band’s frontman, Scott Weiland, Stone Temple Pilots will be touring a great deal in the following year, to complete an upcoming new album. Apparently, the tour will stretch across the whole year, with short breaks in between. Most probably the first leg of the tour will run for a short period of time, before breaking into the post-album…
The Top Albums of The Decade: 2000
This post is part of our “Top Albums of The Decade” series. Follow the series to read about the best music to grace our ears in the 2000s. The New Pornographers – Mass Romantic (Mint Records) Hailing from the snowy Canadian plains, The New Pornographers shook everyone from the ground up when their incredible blend of contagiously joyful pop first hit record shelves. The band simply oozed of freshness, delivering stunning melodies, amazing riffs and…
ZME Music presents: The Top Albums of the Decade
Yes, it’s been that long. In the span of our soon to pass decade, you’ve loved and you’ve hated, you’ve learned and you’ve forgotten, you’ve seen and unseen, but now is not the time and place to fell into reminiscence, however. Instead, we’ll be discussing the albums that have been soundtracking most of our lives in the 2000s. It’s been a very hectic decade for the music industry, actually – a scene caught off guard…
Al Byrne’s Radio Bile
Music: it’s entirely, utterly, completely, undeniably, irrefutably subjective, right? Wrong. You daft idiot. Look, I know it hurts, but it’s true. Some music is just objectively woeful. In fact, the odds are pretty high that if you’re listening to music right now, it’s crap. Whether it be chart music on the radio, an album on your iPod, or a memory on the tiny little Fisher Price turntable that is your mind, the song remains the…
The Week in Music: #42
All the interesting albums out in the week of October 19-26. The Flaming Lips cover Pink Floyd – band set for a Pink Floyd cover album next year. Trent Reznor got hitched this Monday. Poor guy. Two Lil Wayne albums due this year? According to Yahoo!, Madonna is too loud for her New York flat neighbors. Guess she gets a lot of broomstick nudges. Every Beatles song to be performed by ukulele in Brooklyn this…
A long and arduous wait for the new Strokes album
Between so many solo projects by each of The Strokes’ band members, it seems like their new album is the one left to suffer the most. There’s been so much talk and speculating around it, that I, for one, don’t even know what to say, or write for that matter, anymore. It’s almost the beginning of November, and there’s still no word regarding it. All we know is that the band is still recording, and…