Jack White is considering a solo album

…but don’t get your hopes too high just yet. Over the last few years, the White Stripes frontman, Jack White, one of the most influential frontmen/guitarist of the past decade, has surprinsingly steadily shifted his attention to side projects. In 2008 he released “Consolers of the Lonely” with long time collaborators The Raconteurs, after which he continued in the following year of 2009 with the heavy riff infused “Horehound” with the newly formed The Dead…


The 15 Most Anticipated Releases of 2010

Hope you’ve all had one hell of a crazy, yet responsible, good time this New Year’s Eve  – after all, it was the last party of the year, of the decade for that matter. Oh, and it’s been such a sweet year for music, filled with some incredible scores on all fronts, hasn’t it? Rest assure, though, if you’re feeling a bit disheartened about 2009’s passing, since, from the look of it, 2010 is going…


A word on modern metal (part 1)

I remember the first time that I heard Megadeth’s “Head Crusher” last July. Within the first twenty seconds, I knew two things were true: Dave wrote the song and Andy Sneap mixed it. The former item is rather inconsequential, as I saw on youtube that it was indeed a Megadeth song. (Had it not been labeled, it still woulda been quite obvious…) But the second is not. In this, the beginning of 2010, the work…


A7X’s The Rev dead at 28

Avenged Sevenfold’s drummer, Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan, was found dead at age 28 at his home in Huntington Beach, California, on Monday. He supposedly died of natural causes, though his death was investigated by the coroner’s office and ruled “inconclusive.” Avenged Sevenfold is rather divisive in the metal community, mainly for its early “metalcore” output. Honestly, the band got better as they went on, especially when  M. Shadows stopped screaming. It was pretty damned irritating….


The Top 20 Music Videos of 2009

Don’t you just love year-end lists? I know I do. It’s a time where I can look back and reminisce with pleasure at all the great moments in music which occurred year long. It’s also a time where I can catch up with a lot of artists and albums that I might happen to miss, and, trust me, there always are some great ones that slip by. However troubled 2009 might have been, it’s been…


The 5 Worst Songs of the Decade by Artists Who Should Have Known Better, and Kid Rock

Hey ZME Universe, I’m sorry I’ve fallen a bit off the map in terms of my columns, but I’m excited about these end-of-decade lists. I’ve been preoccupied with my own list of best albums of songs. I love the lists that the ZME crew is putting together, but something tells me no one else on the staff would have the proper appreciation for the Portland, Maine power-pop trio The Leftovers. I can understand, though. While…


Al Byrne’s Radio Bile

I suppose congratulations are in order to some of you readers. Rage Against The Machine’s “Killing In The Name” has been named the UK’s Christmas number one single, beating out X Factor winner Joe Mcthingy’s Miley Cyrus cover “The Climb” by some number of downloads. Or something. Well, woo bloody hoo. Have a metaphorical biscuit. It’s not that I don’t understand the impetus behind the whole Facebook campaign that started this whole escapade. I’m as…


The Top Albums of The Decade: 2003

This post is part of our “Top Albums of The Decade” series. Follow the series to read about the best music to grace our ears in the 2000s. Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Fever to Tell  (Interscope/Fiction Records) On their first full length record the NYC art-punk trio managed to overcome all the hype built up by their previous astonishing two EPs, and deliver one of the best debuts of the decade. Messy, punk, loud, sexy…


David Byrne, Fatboy Slim ‘Here Lies Love’ boxset slated for February release

Quite the pleasant surprise to wind up in our inbox today, when a press release surfaced detailing the release of David  Byrne/Fatboy Slim’s upcoming concept album, “Here Lies Love”, about the life of about the life of the former First Lady of the Philippines, Imelda Marcos and her relationship with a servant from her childhood (Estrella Cumpas). It’s a massive album, one long in the making, primarily fueled by the forming Talking Head’s “passion for…


Al Byrne’s Radio Bile

Oooh, apologies for my completely unexplained absence from this organ last week. A variety of continuous, unlikely emergencies conspired to keep me away from my precious keyboard and monitor on Sunday, eventually culminating in an exciting race through Dublin to find a kind of precious anklet. Either that, or I was pathetically tired from working all week, and that anklet story was actually just an elaborate dream I had. I really don’t remember, and frankly,…