It’s only the 1st of February, but we’ve already caught word of what’s likely the best news of the month. Earlier this afternoon Pitchfork unveiled a very insightful chat with Broken Social Scene frontman Kevin Drew about the band’s upcoming new album, but more importantly key details regarding it, including a fixed release date. That’s right, after years and years of waiting and speculating, one of the most anticipated albums of 2010 will be upon…
Hot Streaming: Massive Attack’s Heligoland Remix EP
Massive Attack’s highly anticipated fifth studio album, “Heligoland”, is slated for an official worldwide release next week, and while it is reasonably spaced away, today I’ve found out about a very scrumptious appetizer. Over at facebook, the service is streaming the British duo’s Helligoland Remix EP, a six track compilation featuring rehashes by Gui Boratto, She is Danger, Ryuichi Sakamoto & Yukihiro Takahashi, Breakage and Tim Goldsworthy. In order to stream the songs, you’ll need…
Stephin Merrit ‘scratches’ Peter Gabriel’s back
Last year the legendary former Genesis lead-vocalist, Peter Gabriel, released a very interesting cover album titled “Scratch My Back”, recorded at Air Lyndhurst and Real World Studios during the same year, consisting of Gabriel covering twelve songs by various artists, using orchestra and voice rather than normal rock instruments. The album will get released on February 15 via Virgin and will feature Peter Gabriel sing his version of songs by artists like Arcade Fire, Radiohead,…
Bands to Watch: Dag för Dag
Today I’d like to introduce you a lovely brother/sister power pop act I just recently stumbled upon, namely the very talented siblings Sarah Parthemore Snavely and Jacob Donald Snavely who together form Dag för Dag. Originally from Missoula, Montana the two have been on their move all their lives, moving between Wisconsin, Honolulu, London, San Franscisco, before ultimately settling for the dream pop capitol of the world, Stockholm. The band first debuted last year when…
Billboard No. 1: Another surprise
For the second week in a row, the number one album in America is a bit of a shocker: Hope for Haiti, the MTV compilation from January 22’s broadcast, sold 171,000 copies. Oh, and they were all sold in two days (Saturday and Sunday). And they were all sold digitally. This means that independently-distributed albums were No. 1 in consecutive weeks. It’s also the first time in five years that the first three “tracking weeks”…
iamamiwhoami – yet who is “I”?
It first went up a few weeks ago, but what was first another random,albeit interesting, teaser video, has now become a whole veritable cryptic series. I refused to write about it at the time, because it was way too obscure and… well, there was really little to write about. I don’t know why, though, but for the last couple of hours, deeply bored, I tried to unravel this whole mystery. Oh, and what a mind…
New Music Monday: 25 January
This may actually be my favorite week of a month, that comes as a great closer to a dazzling cascade of new releases which kicked off the year. Those of you who’ve been reading my ramblings for the past weeks, and months even, will definitely know that my #1 of the week is Beach House’s soothing third record “Teen Dream.” Also out this week, “Realism”, The Magnetic Fields’ latest indie pop extravaganza of the scene…
Submit your own questions for an interview with Alex Calise
I’m not really into the whole pop rock scene, but every once in a while you come across somebody fresh and quite talented that’s really worth it; it’s this case with Alex Calise. The guitarist/singer/songwriter doesn’t have complicated songs, just urban edgy in your face pop rock. So, we’re gonna do an interview with her, and if you want to ask her something, just add the question(s) in a comment, and we’ll be sure to…
Andrew W.K.’s 2006 album finally gets worldwide release
We’re really keen on partying hard once again in 2010 with our favorite optimism-filled rocker Andrew W.K., soundtracked by his old as heck/brand new album, “Close Calls With Brick Walls”. Back in 2006, Andrew released his third full length studio album “Close Calls With Brick Walls” exclusively in Japan and Koreea, an album that featured less screaming and more singing, as well as a lot more tighter arrangements (who would’ve thought A.W.K. had a prog…
Polarity #5: Is This the Way they Say the Future’s Meant to Feel? ‘Different Class’ Ranked
I’m back! Did you guys miss me? No? I’m honestly not surprised, but I do feel bad about falling off the radar yet again. That’s not to say my interest in writing these columns has waned at all. I wanted to publish something this month, and today may be my only good chance to do so. I wrote this last July after returning from a whirlwind trip to the UK, but I’m just bringing it…