New Wavves album info/MP3s

Cover art for one of the maddest records of the year - King of the Beach

Oh, guys – this is gonna be one summer to remember, one bathed in sun and excessively delicious noise pop, and who else is better to spearhead the whole movement if not Nathan Williams, better known by his Wavves moniker. He blew everyone away last year when he first caught fire and a wave of…


Scissor Sisters: Positively Flaming

Kids: a helpful tip. Despite what the cool kids at your school, or your drunken, vigilante-justice-espousing father might have you believe, fighting fire with fire is rarely an advisable tactic. In actuality, what’s likely to happen is the fire you’re wielding so triumphantly will team up with the existing fire to betray, and you’ll end up just fighting fire. With your bare hands. Better to take your cue from those handsome fire engines you admire…


The new Arcade Fire single – two new songs/MP3s!

I’ve been waiting for some tangible new Arcade Fire ever since I found out the band is supposed to release a new LP late this year. After samples of it where found in a Glassgow vinyl store, earlier today the new double a-side 12″Arcade Fire single, titled “The Suburbs/Month of May”, got played by Radio 1’s Zane Lowe, who spun each track twice. Of course, in the meantime, the tracks got ripped, leaked all over…


Roots Remix God. Sort Of.

Q: What did Scott Adams name the ill-advised cyborg character in his persistent comic strip, Dilbert? A: Ro-Bert! Ha Ha Ha Ha! That’s a pretty good joke, no? Still, that’s not nearly as good as this thing: a Roots-remixed version of Monsters of Folk’s prettiful ode to fairy tales, “Dear God”. Imaginatively titled “Dear God 2.0”, it’ll be appearing on The Roots’ new album How I Got Over, released on June 22. Also, it seems…


A fun time-waster

There’s a new website called Six Degrees of Black Sabbath.  Essentially, it’s Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, only with musicians.  The title is kinda odd, as you can name any two artists in music history and the site will attempt to connect them in as few moves as possible – with or without Sabbath. For example, it jumped from Buddy Holly to Six Feet Under in 15 steps. It’s quite the fascinating site in terms…


Justin Bieber Hits Head. Justin Bieber’s Head Hurts. This is News Now.

It’s Monday, the 24th of May, and we all know what that means: nothing of significance. I’m thirsty. Anyway, you may have heard the story of how Justin Bieber walked into a door last week. Irish broadcasting monolith RTÉ certainly did. And because respectable journalism tends to frown on any kind of personality or humour, their website’s entertainment section was forced to recount the story with nary a smirk or a wink. It really does…


We Do The News

Hello, you handsome several. I know you like keeping up to date with the happenings of the day. Or, in this case, the happenings of the week. This is a round-up, you see – the most efficient way for you to digest the bite-sized treats that we so affectionately and perhaps exaggeratingly call “The News”. This week, your special guest commentator is this pope: The Pope! And now: THE NEWS.


Ex-Exile Excerpt Excavated – “River” Rejiggered by Jagger and Richards

It’s always slightly disappointing writing a news item about The Rolling Stones. It’s not their fault – not really. It’s just, y’know, nothing can ever top Keith Richards falling out of a coconut tree. It happened four years ago last month, and still, nothing will ever be quite as hilarious or memorable or interesting as that ever again. HE FELL OUT OF A COCONUT TREE. Here is a joke you could have made if Richards…


Incredibly low, yet odd, sales week for the record industry

Here are the stats of Billboard for this past week. Some bad, some good, some are just fascinating. First the bad news: Only 5.32 million albums were sold last week. Compare that to the 6.07m from the week previous, and the 5.89m from the comparable week in 2009. Year to date sales are at 115.1m, compared to 127.9m this time last year, which is a 10% drop. The worst news of the week: Justin Bieber…


Paws For Thought: Kelis As A Dog

Hurghhhh… Brrmmmm… I…. Uh… Throw me a bone here? What is this? A reaction to PETA hounding her? Have their con-dalmations sent her barking mad? Or is it just for shih-tzus and giggles? Fur what it’s worth, I’m sure there’s an interesting tail behind it. Whatever the story behind this pawtrait is (it’s a picture from her new album sleeve), when Kelis’ pup career comes to a close, she might find that weird furry cosplay…