Famous miniature person, Prince, has recently decided that rather than selling his new album, 20Ten (ugh) in shops or online, he would distribute it exclusively through unremarkable British newspaper, The Daily Mirror. Which is wonderful and admirable: free music from the likes of Prince is nothing to be sniffed at. Luckily, he’s given me something else to sniff at.
A movie about facebook – big fail. Trent Reznor scoring it – wait a minute?
Staring Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg - perfect seeing how both names end in 'berg'.
The Darkness to reform [Update 7/6]
Former Darkness lead singer/guitarist Justin Hawkins blah blah ends feud with his brother and Darkness guitarist Chris – something about a child being born and family. Yada Yada, whatever. The details aren’t really all that important because… THE FUCKING DARKNESS ARE GETTING BACK TOGETHER! Fuck and yes. That is all. Update: So apparently, according to Justin this news is “hilariously wrong.” Dammit.
41 years later, Zeppelin sued over “Dazed and Confused”
You read that right. Led Zeppelin released its debut 41.5 years ago, along with one of the band’s best and most iconic tracks, “Dazed and Confused.” Yet, the band is only now being sued over copyright infringement by one Jake Holmes who claimed he filed for the song’s melody two years prior to the album’s (and song’s) release. TMZ* has a snippet of both Holmes’ 1967 version, as well as Zep’s classic. The lyrics are…
Nihilism is stupid
There’s a site called anus.com. It’s not what you think. It’s an acronym for American Nihilist Underground Society. I shit you not. It’s an incredibly self-indulgent and even more ridiculous take on the “philosophy” of nihilism. Anyhow, according to the site one of the main cultures of nihilism is heavy metal. There are reviews of albums from just about every sub-genre under its umbrella. Hell, some of them might actually mean something if the prose…
New Music Monday: 21 June
A personal highly anticipated release, The Roots’ ninth studio album “How I Got Over” has finally caught light of day once with its official release this week. They’re not alone either – Stars, Kele Okereke (Block Party), Danzig or the highly hyped new Sia are out as well this week. As far as electronic releases are concerned, be sure to check out the new The Chemical Brothers, Kode9 or Trentemoller. As a fine insider’s tip,…
Investigating The Mystery: A Word With Amber Rubarth
A matter of weeks ago, I took a short trip to London, during which I was serendipitous enough to catch an Amber Rubarth gig. Although that may be less down to serendipity, and more to the fact that I flew over specifically for it. She was also gracious enough to allow me to pester her with questions and bad jokes for half an hour or so. Now, following some internal complications and day-job-related lethargy and…
[Hot Streaming] Robyn – ‘Body Talk Pt. 1’
Here’s the full stream of Robyn’s latest exquisite electro-pop goodness, “Body Talk Pt. 1”. Enjoy! Body Talk Pt. 1 by robyn
We Do The News
Hello, you handsome several. Has your week been so jam-packed with exciting chases and perilous thrills that you simply haven’t had a moment’s pause in which to consult the wireless ticker for the latest and greatest goings-on in the mile-a-minute maelstrom that is the music “biz”? Then hark: we have a very special guest on-board to provide you with all the info you need. Our guest commentator for this week’s “news” is this famous dead…
It’s official: A7X drummer died of “accidental overdose of prescription drugs and alcohol”
Fucking shocker, I know. Well, to everyone who was a part of reality, anyway. So, pretty much anyone who wasn’t a diehard fan. The best part? Commenter “Tiffany” who left, in part, this gem YESTERDAY on my post about The Rev’s death: “It still [sic] isn’t sure what his cause of death was, but you can’t say it was drugs. It probably was a natural cause.” [emphasis added] Yes, actually I can. I knew it…