New tepid No. 1 album replaces old tepid No. 1 album

So after five weeks at number one, Eminem’s utterly bland Recovery was knocked from the Billboard’s top spot by another gray-scale release, Avenged Sevenfold’s Nightmare. The “metal” record moved 163K units to Eminem’s week six tally of 159K. I don’t know how to feel about this. On the one hand, “Not Afraid” is Em’s best single since  “Lose Yourself” but the rest of the album is pop-rap nonsense with a few lyrical gems scattered throughout….


Lordi’s new cover art will make your eyes bleed [click at own risk]

As if the name wasn't terrible enough...

I’m not one who takes metal too serious, but I think there’s an acceptable limit of how much piss a band can take when playing. After you cross that line the fun kinda fades away and leaves room for the lamentable, and what you’re left with is a bunch of masked clowns. I don’t mean to bash Lordi – heck, frankly, I don’t give…


RIAA moves against bloggers sharing Radiohead’s ‘In Rainbows’

Despite the fact that at the end of 2007 Radiohead released with much hype one of the decade’s musical milestones In Rainbows, all for free on the band’s website, it seems like the ghost of the RIAA is still here to haunt us. The latest attack on file sharing is addressed to bloggers that posted in parts or integral the In Rainbows album, even though the record is probably most known for its innovative free…


Kings of Leon new album set for October 2010 release

At the dawn of a new decade, it’s a safe guess to state the future arenas will be dominate by acts such as the Kings of Leon, a band whose success has been steadily been built upon its Southern roots foundations to it’s modern day U2-like status. A new Kings of Leon album will only enforce their status, and as I’ve been given to find out a few movements ago, it seems like the new…


New Music Monday: 2 August

Arcade Fire’s much anticipated third full length, “The Suburbs”, is due for official release tomorrow, so don’t just sit there, order! I’ve managed to stream the album at least a dozen times by now, and I can honestly all the hype the band attracted on blogs and reviews is more than justified. The Suburbs has moments where it’s as intense as Funeral or as uplifting as Neon Bible, but at another level – not necessarily…


Mother-Tucker: Corin Tucker’s Solo Debut

Who’s your favourite band ever? Wrong: it’s Sleater-Kinney, those dearly-departed purveyors of punk, who ceased to be actively awesome almost four years ago. And now? Now there is more of it. Courtesy of those skinny-jeaned scamps over at Pitchfork, this is “Riley” “Doubt”, our first glimpse into 1,000 Years the excitingly upcoming solo album from Sleater-Kinney’s Corin Tucker. Present and correct are the following elements: powerful punk guitars; an organ-and-handclaps-based breakdown; some searing solos; and…


Manics Return – Declare Love Over

Remember when your love alone (was not enough)? Well, now love is ending. But at least it’s not war. Such is the cheery outlook of the new Manic Street Preachers single “(It’s Not War) Just The End Of Love”, cunningly released to “radio” as a kind of “preview” of their upcoming “album”, Postcards From A Young Man. Never ones to be subtle where sledgehammer-like hyperbole would suffice, it contains such wonderful lyrics as “To feel…


The Prodigal Song: “Lost and Found”

Oh, okay, one more. This time, a snippet of something I’m probably going to review sometime this weekend: Kim Taylor’s “Lost and Found”, from her Little Miracle album. It’s a rather pretty thing – dramatic in its own chamber piano pop way, but somber enough to put one in mind of a sort of less sultry Hope Sandoval. Whatever your opinion of it, you can’t argue with the price: the free empeethree can be downloaded…


A glimpse at Daft Punk’s soundtrack for Tron: Legacy

What better artists to soundtrack the follow-up to Tron, one of cinema’s most daring futuristic movies, than the robot affectionate duo Daft Punk? The influential house group was commandeered to deliver both the score and soundtrack for Tron: Legacy’s very colorful and SciFi environment. A challenging task, indeed, but from the looks of it, the French duo not only stood up to the task, but they’ve actually out done themselves! Just check out the two…


Mondo Generator preps new album release/tours

Josh Homme and Nick Oliveri! Now that was a sight back in the ol’ Queens of the Stone Age glory days, not to mention the Kyuss era, when these two giants of rock would simply plummet pure riffage across the stage and audience. In somewhat antagonistic positions, Oliveri and Homme were like brothers until unfortunate circumstances, well to known and deplorable to mention here, broke the two apart. QOTSA survived under Homme’s solitary rule, not…