The Strokes to return next summer with a new album

The garage rock revivalists have been on hiatus for quite a while now, but, apparently, the band’s going to get together soon and try some new things out, at least that’s what The Strokes drummer Fabrizio Moretti recently stated. According to Fabrizio, the band will reform and hit the studio to start working on a follow-up to their previous 2006 effort, “First Impressions On Earth”. “We have plans of meeting up all of us together…


Bands to Watch: Robin Tymm

There are billions of unsigned and indie artists to be found online. Some are worth a listen, others are interesting but not quite there, but the vast majority is trying too hard to find the elusive new sound and thus burying themselves into experimental oblivion. Songwriters are always a penny a dozen, even cheaper than guitarists or out-of-tune bass players. Nevertheless, effective songwriting is a question of angle and attitude. A good story needs not…


Rick Astley: best. act. ever

If any proof was relevant or even need, Rick Astley received the Best Act Ever Award, yesterday night at the EMAs, proving his fans ‘never gave him up’ either. Sadly, Rick wasn’t present at the EMAs to pick up the award or even sing his smashing hit song, “Never Gonna Give You Up.” In his absence, though, the Award was picked up by Katy Perry and Perez Hilton who charmed the audience with a quick…


Will.I.Am writes new song in honor of Obama’s victory

Finally, it’s over! After months and months of politically blabbering, when where ever you turned you’d hear only Obama vs McCain vs Palin vs Clinton vs bla bla, talks. I was beginning to have it up to here, you know. I can barely express how much I’m glad this whole elections mambo jambo is over. As expected, everybody’s homeboy, Barack Obama, won easily over his republican counterpart today, open a new era of “Change.” Or…


New Music Monday: 3 November

It’s not a very spectacular week, in terms of new musical releases, but there are some pretty interesting stuff to pick from, nonetheless. After the UK release last month, which got pretty well received, Travis put out their latest album, titled “Ode to J. Smith,” on the US shelves, as well. Although it’s been out for such a long time, I have to say I haven’t heard a single track off the new record, but…


The Esential Halloween Mixtape by ZME Music

Photo by Gwen Halloween. Ghouls, specters, vampires, werewolves and candy – these are just a few words that sum up for most the jolly good vibe of All Saints’ Eve. For a special few, though, Halloween means a theme parties, costumes, beer and lots, and lots of music. For these special few, we’ve decided to compile a little mixtape, which should prove to be quite entertaining. How did pick the song? We’ll scary isn’t enough….


Led Zeppelin, Robert Plant, a soap opera and a bag of chips

"Who needs Led Zeppelin when you've got an ukulele and ass."

This whole Led Zeppelin reunion thing is getting as much annoying as it is frustrating, but I think the whole thing is close to an end, finally. I mean, at least it seems so, anyway. Speaking to BBC’s Radio Devon, the band’s bassist John Paul Jones revealed that indeed Led Zeppelin is trying out new vocalist to replace Plant,…


Hot Streaming: Guns ‘N’ Roses – ‘Chinese Democracy’

It’s official, folks! No bullshiting any more from behalf of Mr. Axl. He’s lived up to his word and delivered, “Chinese Democracy,” Guns ‘N’ Roses’ first single in almost ten years, to the airwaves and interwebs yesterday, on October 22. How’s the song you ask? It’s OK. For a single that’s been expected with high anticipation by million of fans all over the world, it’s a bit disappointing. For those of you who’ve downloaded the…


New Music Monday: 20 October

Well, boys and girls, I don’t think I’ll be the only saying this, but I’ve been waiting for  this week to finally arrive for almost a year, since I first heard AC/DC were prepping new material. “Black Ice” is the band’s latest full length studio effort, the first one in almost eight years, the follow-up to the, some what, awesome “Stiff Upper Lip.” All the proper elements of a classic AC/DC record are here: Brian…