Aimee Anne Duffy, more known after her stage name of Duffy, is a Welsh soul singer, that’s been getting a lot of attention, thanks to her impressive vocals. Her sound reminisces a sweet era of music, when music was a way of life, but with a modern touch, thus resulting in a interesting eclectic mix of retro and contemporary music. She began songwriting at the tender age of 10, influenced by artists who’s music raised…
New R.E.M stream: ‘Supernatural Superserious’
The 14th record, from the Athenian trio of [tag]R.E.M.[/tag], is closing in fast and after we’ve posted Accelerate’s tracklist, it’s now time for a first glimpse on how the album sounds, by sampling its first single “Supernatural Superserious.” How’s it like? Well let me start by saying it’s a heck of improvement, compared to their previous slump of a record, quite catchy actually towards excellent. Glad the boys found their whits and guitars again. You…
The Gutter Twins: ‘Idle Hands’ (stream)
A lot of rumors floated around last year that, alt-rock legends of the 90’s Mark Lanegan and Greg Dulli would join forces and form a new band. Previous collaborations between each of the two’s musical projects, made it very likely and back in September 2007, the two announces that they’ve completed recording their debut album, under the moniker of The Gutter Twins. “Idle Hands” is the group’s first single and it sure does sound sweet,…
Xiu Xiu: ‘Women As Lovers’ (album stream)
San Francisco’s favorite experimental indie band, [tag]Xiu Xiu[/tag], are just a few weeks away from the release of their sixth album “Women As Lovers.” As a unexpected teasers, they decide to stream the whole thing down at the band’s MySpace page. We gave it a few repeated listens, actually it’s on the background as I type, and so far it’s shaping up as a really solid effort. Need more listens to form a opinion for…
M83: Couleurs (stream)
Anthony Gonzalez, more known under his electro moniker of M83, has always been a favorite of mine in terms of ambient electro music. His music is extremely refreshing and ecletic, plus his use of ambiental guitar kinda makes him fall into the shoegazing genre. “Saturdays = Youth”, is M83’s fifth studio album and promises to be his best yet, as it’s set to deliver the rich sonic textures for which M83 is well known –this…
Hot streams this week: 17 October
We’ve posted, earlier this week, what new records are out at the moment; now it’s time for you to sample them, in their entirety for free and legally. If you like them, please buy the respective records. Underworld are back with their fifth LP Oblivion with Bells, their first one in five years actually. There aren’t significant changes in their sound, from their previous record, but it still delivers and provides some of the best…