Hot Streaming: Sufjan Stevens – All Delighted People EP

Your favorite orchestral indie maestro is back, as Sufjan Stevens released a brand new 8-track, one hour long EP, titled “All Delighted People”, this weekend all without any notice. I’m gonna spare you the details, as I’m sure your just as curious to hear the new material as I was I first heard about it, so I’ll just leave you to the full EP stream below. Of course, you can buy the EP for the…


New Flying Lotus – ‘Camera Day’

Having already released a dazzling LP this year in the form of the critically acclaimed “Cosmogramma”, Flylo is set to put out some new material at the end of September when his new seven piece EP titled “Pattern+Grid World” is set to ascend. One of the tracks off the EP, the dizzy synth infused Camera Day, which just as good could had been the soundtrack for an acid trip video game, can be streamed right…


Soundgarden Prepare Telephantasm

Things are still a-stir in the world of Soundgarden. Now that all involved have entered a healthful middle age, they’ve cast their one good eye towards the past, and played a number of reunion shows, including what looks like an excellent set at grimly indie-fied festibule Lollapalooza. (Moderately tuneful but utterly bland British glumsters Mumford & Sons played there this year, to give you an example of how far from its freak-show-encompassing, bile-drinking-contest roots the…


Mother-Tucker: Corin Tucker’s Solo Debut

Who’s your favourite band ever? Wrong: it’s Sleater-Kinney, those dearly-departed purveyors of punk, who ceased to be actively awesome almost four years ago. And now? Now there is more of it. Courtesy of those skinny-jeaned scamps over at Pitchfork, this is “Riley” “Doubt”, our first glimpse into 1,000 Years the excitingly upcoming solo album from Sleater-Kinney’s Corin Tucker. Present and correct are the following elements: powerful punk guitars; an organ-and-handclaps-based breakdown; some searing solos; and…


Manics Return – Declare Love Over

Remember when your love alone (was not enough)? Well, now love is ending. But at least it’s not war. Such is the cheery outlook of the new Manic Street Preachers single “(It’s Not War) Just The End Of Love”, cunningly released to “radio” as a kind of “preview” of their upcoming “album”, Postcards From A Young Man. Never ones to be subtle where sledgehammer-like hyperbole would suffice, it contains such wonderful lyrics as “To feel…


[Hot Streaming] Listen to snippets of the new Arcade Fire album – ‘Suburbs’

Arcade Fire’s third full length studio album, “Suburbs”, is just a few weeks away from its release, as such we’ve been granted to sample the whole album in snippets, 30 seconds for each of the 16 tracks to be more exact. You can stream the Suburbs preview on the player right below, while an awesome collage of the eight Suburbs covers can be found at the Arcade Fire website. (I’m not very sure which of…


[Hot Streaming] Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse Present: Dark Night of the Soul

I first met Mark Linkous after I released The Grey Album in 2004. His manager played him my album and told him that I was a Sparklehorse fan, so he took an interest. We began working on Dark Night of the Soul in 2005. It became obvious that both Mark and I wanted to write songs that were melodically out of our range, or at least just not within the realms of what we could…


New Pearl Jam song: ‘Better Days’

Courtesy of an intentional leak or not (we couldn’t care less, right?), we’ve managed to get ahold of a brand new Pearl Jam song called, “Better Days”, some sort of remnant from the 2002 Riot Act album sessions. The song was posted on the Monkey Wrench Records site where two members of the band’s management shared it via a post. Naturally, fans swept it and uploaded it all over the web, and since then the…


New Kanye: “Power”

Supposedly this new leaked Kanye West song, “Power,” will appear on his upcoming Good Ass Job. (I linked to this usershare account because the song doesn’t stay on youtube long enough for anyone to fully stream it.) As for the song itself, it drives the African chant-influenced vocal hook into the ground before the end of the first minute. That said, there’s a King Crimson sample! And Kanye is rapping again! Lyrically, he’s still got…