ZME Music presents: The Top Albums of the Decade

Yes, it’s been that long. In the span of our soon to pass decade, you’ve loved and you’ve hated, you’ve learned and you’ve forgotten, you’ve seen and unseen, but now is not the time and place to fell into reminiscence, however. Instead, we’ll be discussing the albums that have been soundtracking most of our lives in the 2000s. It’s been a very hectic decade for the music industry, actually – a scene caught off guard…


ZME top 50 albums of 2008 [with a bonus]

Every year has it’s own flavor, and when you look down on it, there are somethings that will stand out, that will musically define a year, and those are the things that give the flavor. So when you look back on 2008, what albums will stand out?? Well, 2008 will remain as a year of veterans. Metallica, AC/DC, Motorhead, BB King, they all rocked (and so did others), but it’s safe to say they’re not…


The Esential Halloween Mixtape by ZME Music

Photo by Gwen Halloween. Ghouls, specters, vampires, werewolves and candy – these are just a few words that sum up for most the jolly good vibe of All Saints’ Eve. For a special few, though, Halloween means a theme parties, costumes, beer and lots, and lots of music. For these special few, we’ve decided to compile a little mixtape, which should prove to be quite entertaining. How did pick the song? We’ll scary isn’t enough….


ZME Music wants you!

Alright folks, Uncle ZME wants you to join the army write for us! Meaning, we’ve opened our job listings to almost anyone able and willing to to write for ZME. If you’re interesting in joining a team of professionals and being part of something important, then head over to our recruitment page, where you’ll learn more about the benefits/requirements and how you can apply.


Nominate ZME Music for the 2008 Weblog Awards

Hey guys, this week the eight annual Weblog Awards holds it’s nominating round of the contest, in which visitors are invited to nominated their favorite blog for each category. If you enjoy reading reading our blog and want to do us a huge favor, by helping us get in the finals, then click here and fill out the Music Blog section with ZME Music. It won’t take more then 1 minute. Thanks in advance.


ZME Music Top 50 Albums of 2007

Boy does time fly, we just can’t believe it how this year went by so fast, well ZME Music’s been around for only 6 months, but that’s not important. Actually this year was so busy, that we hardly could face the large amounts of new releases every week, especially in the summer time and believe us we don’t complain. Due to this, 2007, was the year in which new music was making it’s comeback; we’ve…