Lindsay Lohan Checks Into Rehab

In case you are asking yourself [tag]Lindsay Lohan[/tag] did it again. The singer admitted herself to an intensive medical rehabilitation facility but claimed her right to privacy and wanted people to appreciate the seriousness of the case. This is after a weekend during which she crashed her car and was arrested. She is said to have driven under the influence. This is the second rehab stint this year. The substance was found by the police…


Timberlake Launches Record Label

There are few things that [tag]Justin Timberlake[/tag] has yet to do, and now he is going corporate. He has launched Tennman Records, where he will be chairman and chief executive officer of the Los Angeles-based label. There is some interest around that. Some is caused by the statement the singer made; I cannot wait to introduce the world to my new discoveries, Timberlake said. Looks like he manages to make some new discoveries all the…