Neil Young is currently preparing for the launch of his new album, the first original work with Crazy Horse since 2003. His new LP is already streaming before launch on his website. So the rock legend engaged in a twitter Q&A session with his fans event which saw him make a jibe at U2 front man Bono. Neil was asked: “What do you like about foster the people? #askneil btw, bono said he likes them,…
Rolling Stones to release first single in 7 years
The Rolling Stones are back, people! Their new single, called “Doom and Gloom” will be released today, Thursday, receiving its first airplay on BBC Radio 2 at 8.15 pm GMT and will then be made available to download. The song is one of the two tracks they’ve recorded with producer Don Was. The track will be available on the band’s latest greatest hits compilation, “GRRR”, along with a song titled “One More Shot”. Although there’s…
Guns & Roses prepare new album… is this really necessary?
I’ve seen Guns & Roses live, about four months ago; they were pretty bad. I mean, Axl was pretty OK, even though it took him five minutes to take off his gold rings to play the piano, but the rest of the band… it’s not that they played poorly or anything, it just wasn’t G&R good. As if that wasn’t enough, when they played stuff from Chinese Democracy, that was just enough. Plainly put, the…
Morrissey’s delightful vegetarian-themed Colbert interview
It was quite the interview, with Stephen Colbert and rocker and animal activist Morrissey. The two discussed everything from the British Royal Family to a potential Smiths reunion, but the hottest subjects were, of course, animal rights. Colbert revealed that Morrissey insisted that the entire studio be free of animal products (forcing his staff to go vegetarian for the day. “Animals are much nicer than humans,” Morrissey declared, with Colbert countering, “I know a lamb…
Mumford and Sons: officially biggest in 2012
London folk group Mumford and Sons have proven themselves bigger than anybody (even bigger than Justin Bieber) in 2012, after selling 600,000 copies of new album Babel in the first week since its release. Billboard have reported that the band have smashed the 2012 US album sales record with the follow up to their equally successful debut album ‘Sigh No More.’ Having listened to the album a couple of times, I have to say I…
Adele’s new Bond theme, Skyfall finally here
Adele – Skyfall. Source With Adele’s jazzy, soul-filled voice, we already knew that Skyfall, the song theme for the new James Bond movie couldn’t really be bad. My guess was that it was going to be really good. So, is it? The British singer teamed up once again with Paul Epworth admitted she was a little stressed about the “instant pressure and spotlight [that comes with] a Bond song.” However, it’s…
Justin Bieber throws up on stage – yes, with video
I was just having my breakfast surfing the web, when I came across a video of Justin Bieber vomiting. So I put down my self-made omelette (which looks just like puke anyway) and started asking myself why this happened; is he pregnant? Does the food hate his music? If his microphone is turned on, why can’t we hear him barf, and maybe the most important, how does he continue to sing while throwing up? I…
Adele to perform new Bond theme: “It’s a showstopper”
Of course, you couldn’t pick someone more appropriate than Adele for the new James bond them; her brassy, jazzy voice, and unique stage persona will definitely bring something special to the table. So far, the song hasn’t even leaked, but Showbiz 411. The song is called “Let the Sky Fall” and her collaborator is indeed Paul Epworth, the man who co-wrote her big bit “Rolling in the Deep” and most of “21”. Obviously, this is…
If possible, RHCP just got cooler: they played chess with the world No. 1
Well to be honest, this is not quite news, as it happened about a year ago, but even searching, I couldn’t find any English media coverage about this – except for a Norwegian newspaper. So after a half an hour talk with a friend of mine who studies in Norway and a hefty chunk of Google Translate, I managed to figure out what was happening. The world No. 1, Magnus Carlsen, was in Rio, where…
No Doubt – ‘Push and Shove’ 9/10 [review]
It’s been 11 years since their previous time, and damn I’ve missed them. Even Gwen Stefani seems surprised: “I can’t believe it / Has it really been this long?,” she asks, in one of the standouts of the album. If you’re a true fan, you should just stop reading this now and go get it; seriously, it’s some of the best work they’ve done. Even if Gwen married an Englishman, she’s still the American girl…