Karin Andersson’s debut self-titled record, released under her Fever Ray moniker, is one of the loveliest of the year, packed with a vibe of serenity and bliss. It’s incredible how Karin channeled her creativity and talent on the album, proving she will never really be able to stay away from music. Let’s just hope she doesn’t forget about her other creative outlet, as part of The Knife, anytime too soon. Her third single from her…
New Pearl Jam video: ‘Get Some’ (live @ Conan O’Brien’s The Tonight Show)
Yesterday aired the first episode of CBS’ The Tonight Show with new found host Conan O’Brien at its helm, picking up after Jay Leno. The whole show was marvelously entertaining, like any premiere should be. Lets not talk TV for now, shall we, let’s talk music! Conan’s first musical guests for last night’s airing were none other than grunge icons Pearl Jam, who played a really solid performance of “Get Some,” a brand new song…
Beautiful poster art work: Andrew Bird/Calexico show
Captioned above is an excuiste demonstration of skill in the visual arts in this magnificent poster for a Andrew Bird/Calexico show on the 15th of June in Georgia’s Cobb Energy Center. Well worth posting! Art by Methane Studios. [first seen on MBV]
New Bat for Lashes video: ‘Pearl Dream’
Natasha’s second single from one of the year’s best albums, “Two Suns,” gets a pretty typical Bat for Lashes approach for its video. Costumes, nature, bright/dark contrasts and some goofy wire flying around. Nice to see Nat doing her own ‘stunts’ though :). Not sure where the blond-wigged version of Natasha comes in. Anyone care to shed some light? Bat For Lashes – “Pearl’s Dream”
‘Everything Goes Wrong’ for the Vivian Girls?
Don’t threat people, there’s nothing really going on with the all-ladies Brooklyn trio, apart from releasing a new, juicy album that is. Last year’s incredible, albeit very short self-titled gained the Vivian Girls a lot of praise, especially from behalf of music blogs like the one you’re reading now, but also attracted some criticism because of it’s lyrics. Now, only 12 months after their well received debut, time in which they’ve extensively toured the country,…
Anti-books man, Kanye West, turned author
Kanyes West is a very … let’s say, up front man. He’s always likes to be at the center of everybody’s attention and is well know for being a big douche. Yes, I tried avoiding that word as much as I could, but it’s just not possible under his circumstances. He just embowers douchbaggery in all that he does. Honestly, folks, I really like most of his work (especially the last 2 albums), but just…
Susan Boyle stuns the world again with Cats song
It’s almost impossible for anyone reading this not to know who Susan Boyle, the ugly duckling who turned into a graceful swan, is. If not, get that bolder out of your cave entrance, and type in “Susan Boyle” on YouTube. You’ll be greeted by hundreds of videos, all summing around 200 MILLION views! It’s quite remarkable how such oases of talent get isolated and trapped from the world’s delight, so that they may unleash their…
Beasty Boys’ new album gets a name
I wasn’t left very much impressed by Beastie Boys’ last album, the all instrumental The Mix-up. Sure, it had some really nice beats, on which you could easily groove to, but at the same time it kinda felt a bit repetitive. My more or less disappointment was caused, however, by the sentiment of loathing for more of the same material present on Beastie Boys’ extraordinary 2004 effort, To The 5 Borrows – a truly memorable…
New Music Monday: 25 May
Few, but solid. That’s how this last week of May could be described, since we don’t really have that many records out this week, but, nevertheless, their value compensates more or less. Honestly, I’ve been waiting for this particular week to come for a pretty long time, since what’s maybe my most anticipated personal release of the year is finally upon us – Grizzly Bear’s “Veckatimes”. I’ve broken a few necks managed to get an…
Grizzly Bear play acoustic sets @ Black Cab Sessions and @ NPR
Only one week separates us from Grizzly Bear’s new album release, however, until then we can get the next best thing – some live acoustics of Veckatimes tracks performed by the band in just these past days. First is the simple, but beautifully effective acoustic version of “All We Ask,” performed in a car’s back seat for the Black Cab Sessions. Then we’ve got a more ellaborated GB set as part of their guest appearance…